Product Platform
Main production specifications: Wall mounted , 25 mm thickness installing with two hidden screws , optimal dimension width 25 cm or more height 200 to 300 cm
Available finishes
Mirror & brushed stainless steel, silver, gold, Bronze, black and lumen
VAX 201,202,203,204,205,206 – Run-Stop switch – Phone box & Phone speaker , Intercom, PHONE TOUCH, SIMOD, INTEL – Directory & Signs
Push buttons
All available pushbuttons
It can be produced with all Displays according to the width of the panel
More Information
the design of this panel based on the assembly of parts on resistance aluminum frame with 25 mm thickness which cause to produce 3 meters panel with combining steel and Plexiglas according to customer order. Due to this resistant frame and no twisting in middle, two hidden screws is enough to install it.